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Are you keen to improve your health?

A two-part, practical course designed to help you understand health from the inside out.

You will experience a mixture of information, demonstrations and tasters that have been specifically designed to give you practical tools to take away and enable you to implement the changes straight away.

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The Health on a Plate course can help you.

Learn to detox, repair, heal & nourish your body for vitality, energy and overall better health.

This course is designed & Accredited by Nutritional Healing Foundation.

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I used to be like you

Now let me teach you how to heal yourself

I help women in their 40 and 50’s who struggle with chronic disease and digestive issues to heal from the inside out. I'll educate you on how to make intelligent changes in order to create the perfect environment

for healing, whether you're experiencing allergies, insomnia, digestive issues or

fatigue, your diet will be a key factor.

Are you....

Aiming to lose weight in a healthy way

You're tired of 'diets' and cutting out particular foods. Instead, you want a lifestyle change that you can see and feel the benefits of.

Suffering from a physical or mental health condition

Whether you're suffering from anxiety symptoms or in physical pain, learning about the power of food could help relieve you.

Experiencing hormonal changes in your body

Whether you're going through menopause or just had a baby, your diet choice can help balance your hormones to feel managable.

don't   just   take my word for it

Client Love



Kristin is such an inspirational, motivational person. She has a real zest for life and exudes positivity and openness. She really inspires me to make the changes to my life that she suggests. She obviously knows her stuff and comes from a place of personal experience. Listening to her speak is very empowering and always makes me feel so good. Her recipes are easy to follow, colourful and yummy!



I have been working with Kristin for almost four months in which time we have travelled on the most incredible journey together. Kristin has guided me in my nutrition with her extensive knowledge and has also supported me through a full liver cleanse which has helped me regain balance and has been truly life-changing. Thank you Kristin for all your love and support.



After an initial consultation with Kristin it was clear to me I had found someone who cared about my health as much as I did, if not more!! Kristin even highlighted that I could have a liver disorder, which was later confirmed by a blood test and scan. Kristin is extremely thorough and looks at all aspects of your lifestyle and family history to create a personally tailored treatment plan, using her wealth of knowledge and nutritional expertise along with naturopathic techniques. I have learnt so much from Kristin and cannot thank her enough, her caring, non-judgmental manner and professionalism is second to none.

Here’s what you

will get from me:

Alternative ways to eat your favourite foods

To identify inflammatory foods easily

Affective natural detoxification techniques

Gain an accredited certification worth 20 hours CBT

Receive comprehensive workbooks and recipes

to takeaway

Join me for this 2-Part Nutritional Healing course

Invest in your health

Join this course to help you understand health from the inside out, educating you to make intelligent changes in order to create the perfect environment for healing.

Part 1 (In-person event):
Weekend 25/26th June 2022
Sat & Sun 9:30am-5pm
Sanctuary of Healing, Langho Blackburn,

Part 2 (follow on):
Online Sessions on Zoom
Thursdays 30th June, 7th & 14th July 2022


25TH JUNE-14TH JULY 2022

The Health on a
Plate course


  • Full weekend access to the
    In-person event

  • 3 online evening events 

  • Gain an accredited certification worth 20 hours CPD

  • Receive comprehensive workbook & recipe suggestions to take away 

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